The Disruptive ‘System(R)Evolution©’ for Wholeness, Sustainability & Healthy Growth

More and more people and organisations are talking about sustainability and promising sustainability. But understanding the highly complex whole and presenting it in the simplest, most efficient and structured way possible requires holistic knowledge and experience. At every level of evolution.

It requires knowledge and experience relating to all those involved in the value creation process. About humans, animals, nature and the planet. And also about the economic, ecological and social aspects and interactions. Often somewhat imprecisely summarised as the 3 P's (People, Planet, Profit).

And this is exactly what the Institute always focuses on: The healthy growth and sustainability of the whole. Here are some of our success factors:

A holistic vision of healthy growth. At all levels of evolution. And the skills, change tools and experience to make that vision a reality.
A proven track record. For the benefit of top management, partners and employees. In theory and practice. In all relevant areas (economic, ecological and social).
Long-term thinking and action through genuine innovation over decades. 
The definition and implementation of holistic goals at all levels of development. Including their measurement and adaptation.
A culture that has been practised for decades, not only talking about leadership, health, development, transformation and growth, but also acting accordingly. 
A brand that has developed and grown in a clear, transparent and holistically healthy way. In other words, an active integration of lived culture into the brand DNA. 
Short and sweet: We don't just talk the talk, we walk the walk. 


Sustainable Leadership