Sabine Schneider

More than 25 years of experience

as an international management and marketing consultant as well as a crisis and change manager. In addition, 10 years of research and development in the areas of holistic health, prevention, fitness and transformation. For sustainable development and holistic healthy growth.

Author of  'How Wholeness Saves a World'. Inventor & Founder of

the word-image brand 'Sheiza´s®'

the 'Wholistic Human System©'

the leadership system 'A Wholistic World©'

the 'Wholistic Knowledge Economy©'


Analysis, strategy, concept, implementation for premium fitness, wellness, golf & tourism facilities 
Prevention, fitness & health 
Marketing & innovation 
Brand & organisational development 
Education & practice 
People development 
Sustainable implementation of specific SDG goals 


For the inventor, mentor, implementer, sustainability pioneer and former consultant and change manager, continuous learning, improvement, solid growth, courage and integrity are at the core of her value creation processes. She has always been ahead of the times and questioned the status quo. This enabled her to develop and test answers and solutions long before the challenges reached the collective consciousness.

She grew up in West Berlin in the time of Generation X. Even as a child, health and sport were important to her. As was her love for animals and nature. So, it comes as no surprise that, after studying economics, she began her career as an analyst and consultant in the fitness, prevention and wellness market. Further education and training followed, as well as her own research and development. 

The sustainable leadership and growth system 'A Wholistic World©' is based on her complex interdisciplinary knowledge and solutions as well as her intercultural experience. Efficient, pragmatic, structured, adapted to current and future challenges. Sustainable and simplified. 

Because on an increasingly complex and fast changing planet, simplicity and efficiency are the ultimate perfection. 


• interdisciplinary & intercultural •


Holistic learning and development 

at all levels of evolution



• pragmatic & solution-oriented •


Leading in sustainable development
and healthy growth 


Nachhaltige Führung
How Wholeness Saves a World

Sustainable Impact of Holistic Healthy Human Growth on Organisations, (Eco) Systems and Worlds (2023)

  • In German (ISBN softcover 978-3-347-82290-0, hardcover 978-3-347-82292-4)  
  • In English (ISBN softcover 978-3-347-83211-4, hardcover 978-3-347-83001-1).
Nachhaltige Führung
Whole Transformation of Humans and Brands 

How the Soul Saves the World (2020)

  • The book was the prelude to the global reference book of 2023 and will therefore no longer be published.
  • ISBN: softcover 978-3-347-04323-7 and hardcover 978-3-347-04324-4
  • In German.
Nachhaltige Führung
Megatrend Wholeness and its Marketing Specific and Economic Impact on Holistic Health (2019) 
  • Published in 'Marketing in Health Care - Introduction, Stocktaking, Future Perspectives'.
  • ISBN 978-3-658-20278-1. In German.


Economist (1998)
  • Focus I: International Marketing and Management
  • Focus II: World Market & Developing Countries
*CCI Change Manager (2018) 
Certified Psychological Counsellor (2008) 
Mentor for Spirituality & Purpose (2008)
A-Licensed Group Fitness Instructor
Foreign Language Assistant (Focus on Economics, English, French)

*) Chamber of Commerce and Industry



1998. Sport - Society - Economy 

Social Change and the Special Challenges for the marketing-strategic Thinking of Fitness Centres

2008. Psychology & Shamanism 

A Path to the Core of Consciousness and Self-Realisation

2018. Change is not equal to Change 

Strategy, Concept and Implementation of a whole Leadership and Team Development



Foundation of Sheiza´s®・The Global Institute for Sustainable Leadership.

  • Wholistic (advanced) education & process support.
  • For sustainable leadership development and healthy growth of humans, brands, organisations and (eco-) systems. In theory and practice. Structured and efficient.
  • Individually, collectively, regionally and globally.


  • Pre-launch of the leadership system 'A Wholistic World©'.
  • Write and publish 'How Wholeness Saves a World'. 
  • Wholistic positioning of the global brand Sheiza's®.

2018 - 2022

  • Manager for healthy change and for healthy and sustainable consciousness development and marketing.
  • Holistic author
  • Inspiring speaker on the topic of wholeness and holistic health – Europe, Canada, USA

2012 - 2023

  • Creation and development of the global brand Sheiza's®.
  • Interdisciplinary and intercultural research, development and teaching in the field of wholeness and holistic health.
  • Consideration of western, eastern, indigenous and ancient sciences, philosophies and teachings.

2008 - 2022

  • Psychological counsellor, mediator and mentor for personality development, spirituality & purpose – DACH & Spain.
  • Support and counselling for personal and/or business coping, transformation and change in situations of disease and crisis (especially burnout, boreout, anxiety, bullying, addiction, trauma and exploitation). In collaboration with physicians and other experts as required.

2003 - 2004

  • European Market Coordinator - Egypt -
  • Consultant to the owner, founder and chairman of the luxury resort Soma Bay, founder's vision: "To preserve the beauty of the landscape and to treat nature and its resources as gently as possible. In other words, to carefully balance economy and ecology".
  • Management and strategy consulting, development of a marketing concept, supporting advice during the construction of the golf and thalasso hotel "The Cascades" (Leading Hotels of the World), responsible for the areas of fitness, golf & thalasso as well as increasing the awareness of the brand Soma Bay.

1998 - 2022

  • National and international management and marketing consultant and market analyst in the prevention, health and leisure industries (tourism & events).
  • Market research, market and competition analysis, strategies, marketing concepts, implementation consultancy, mergers & acquisitions, fitness equipment selection, personnel selection and development, etc.

1992 - 1998

  • Group Fitness Instructor & Presenter, management and further development of group fitness areas, organisation of events, selection and further training of trainers.
  • Target group analysis & course planning, consulting for club operators and their clients.